From Darkness to Discipline: Why Modern Men Need a Competitive Space To Release Their Darkness & Pain
Turning Pain Into Power Through Therapy 2.0
Today, thank you to my friend Kim Doyal.
I am back writing on Substack.
I have been going to therapy for almost 4 years and I am sharing it as a proud moment for it. Also I am creating Masculine Therapy/ Therapy 2.0 for men. Because my therapist always asks me at the end of my session, “Throw it back at me, good, bad, and your takeaways.”
The biggest takeaway I have is that therapy in the modern day society is for women and not geared toward men. Men need more than just a quiet space to unleash their dark thoughts without fear and shame. Men need to be violent, angry, ugly, and uncivilized.
Men need to most importantly compete…
I dare say MUST compete with other men to fully heal, grow, and be better. I learned this because of domestic violence I faced. At the time when I got hit. It did not bother me or affect because the physical pain was not there.
The mental and psychology pain are what drove me mad.
And the people I thought I could trust and have back instead made it seem like it was my own fault that another adult decided that putting their hands on me was okay.
The worst thing of all was because the person was a woman. I could go back and hit them however, I can see the headline now: Crazy U.S Army Soldiers Hit A Defenseless Woman.
No, thank you!
My therapist gave me great insight. In the military we are trained for war. So if someone hits you then you are certainly going to hit them back and destroy them. My personal ethos is I do not fight for fun or to prove that I am better. If I must fight it will be to kill and destroy the enemy.
Military has me brainwashed.
I truly do believe that nothing in this life is so serious that I can not talk to another person about it. Unless it came down to harm of children, women, and vulnerable parties.
Outside of that… let’s talk it out without violence.
Going through that made me hurt in a special cruel way. It was like internal demons making me feel like I was less of man. And I had to communicate with this person not daily but for the foreseeable future I could not just cancel them. All I could do was walk away without getting my lick back.
If they were a man. I would fight them and unleash HELL and all my rage. We don’t live in a lawless society. We have standards, morals, and ethics, and values.
Most important the double standard.
A woman hits a man. No one will run to protect that man. Society deems it acceptable.
A man hits a woman.
“She a girl”
“You should not hit women”
“You should have more control and walk away”
“What did you do for her to hit you”
“Women are emotional and you are man.. just let it go”
“etc..etc… etc…
*insert whatever excuse*…”
That is the double standard. It is what it is.
Yet plenty of men are hurting not physically but mental, psychological, and morally from being hit by a woman, because while she was allowed to be reckless and even choice to cause this man harm. He had to be stoic, calm, cool, collected, be in the moment, and think of his future if he hit her.
That is why I say therapy is for women. Having spoken to and research this topic on domestic violence, therapy, and men issues also living as a man.
Therapy gives you the place to get angry, upset, and emotional but a man that does not have a outlet to output all that energy that is a dangerous man.
Imagine a man that anything that happens in his life he is losing his cool, yelling, curing up a storm.
Is that the type of man you want to be around?
That type of man I described is what most middle management managers are like. They are grown kids with a power complex and titles. And we HATE to be around them and work for them. Most people quit jobs because of the middle managers NOT the job.
No one wants to be around a man like that. A man unable to control his state. That is why we idolize men like Spartan Warriors, Special Forces Soldiers, Football Players, Gladiators, Warriors, Movie Action Stars, etc.. etc…
Those men get to live out what every men in “normal society” would love to do. They want to release all DARK energy within them. Society tells men they should sit down, talk about their feelings, and have a healthy way to release all that DARK energy without hurting anyone. That is NOT for men!
Men emotions are like an all consuming uncontrollable FIRE burning rapidly with any unknown but every low capacity. From birth we never allow men to unleash that darkness. That is why competitive arena are amazing for men! They allow them a place that is approved to release all that DARK energy! And we love it.
We love it so much to the tune of $35 BILLION DOLLARS a year for sport entertainment!
Men require an unrestrictive competitive space to measure themselves against under men. We don’t need to kill ourselves but we as men do want to know how we stack up against other men.
It is basic nature and biology.
Men have a built-in hierarchy (period)
We need to treat men as such.
Ask any man and I bet…
Any man would trade their life force to go back to their young self playing sports and or whatever competitive sporting arena they competed in. That is why they call the NFL a young man’s dream and game. Because only less than 1% of all kids that play will make it to the NFL. I was not 1 of those lucky once that made it. Lucky enough after all my research, personal experience, and communication with men I found a way to bring that back to all men in their daily life.
Gamification, Competition, Habits, and Accountability also Privacy!
I created The Ascension App because I understand that men need not another safe space. They need an arena to compete with other men. They need guidance, direction, and rules to test.
Men don’t need answers they need quiet space to not think about ALL the shit they MUST do all the time. No fresh thoughts can come in if I am worrying about family, money, rents, kids, wife, girlfriends, mom, dad, job, vacation, sex, relationships…
You understand what I am saying.
That why is Therapy 2.0 must be created by me to help men reap the benefits of becoming a better man in a way that actually helps instead of creating more harm.
The Beginning…
Do you go to therapy?